The right to enroll in the Aquatonale Beauty Academy is possible to everybody who has completed any secondary school or an adequate school.
Registration for enrollment can be done by phone, by e-mail or by filling out the form below.
Necessary actions and documents for enrollment:
  1. Registration – by phone, by e-mail or by filling in the online form internet formulara
  2. Interview – conversation with future students
  3. Submitting the necessary documents:
    • Secondary school diploma
    • Copy of identity cards
Enrollment test is an interview – the discussion which is base for enrolment
Passing enrollment test, the student signs the enrollment contract for the appropriate section or direction or course
In the enrollment contract next is mentioned: the direction of study, the duration of the contract, the amount of tuition, the number of tuition rates, the intensity of the payment of the rates, the school’s bank account and what does the tuition cover.
The part of the contract is also table of payment for rate and exams
The integral part of each contract is Anex which is abstract from the School Statute referring to the direction which student enrolls
The contract is considered valid after payment of the first rate of tuition fee onto the bank account.
Number of students is limited!
The school cannot save a place to candidate who is not enrolled if he does not pay the amount of one rate on school bank account for booking place.
Register on a email: aquatonale.info@gmail.com
Or fill in form below:
Or simply call phone
  • mob: 065/32-38-002
  • mob: 063/77-70-512
On workdays, from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM

Aquatonale Beauty Academy
Prizrenska 6, 3 rd floor
11000 Belgrade, Stari Grad

Be part of world elite!
We are the International Academy for Cosmetics.
Diploma of Aquatonale Beauty Academy is recognized in all five continents and is very respecting in the entire world!
World Spa & Beauty Organization level Aquatonale Beauty Academy as Leading Excellence College in Spa Beauty Therapy
Leading Excellence for Spa & Beauty Professionals
Aquatonale Beauty Academy

Our address: Prizrenska 6, 11000 Belgrade, Stari Grad.


Aquatonale distributor for Serbia
“VERA ZEC” d.o.o.

Contact informacion:

mobile phone: 065/32-38-002, 063/77-70-512
e-mail: aquatonale.info@gmail.com


© 1992-2023 Aquatonale Beauty Academy

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